Welcome to a blog on Virtual Worlds and social media

This blog is about organisations and business and how they can benefit from virtual worlds and Debs' favourite project, Virtual London inside the Second Life platform as a case study.
These people are creators of London in Second Life and media streaming / 3d content and event organisers.
In Second Life, Debs' well known Avatar is called 'Debs Regent'.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

South park characters as Avatars

For Giannina - here is a socially constructed avatar - South Park style.

I cannot decide what gender it is though - although it looks like it eats too many sweets and spends too long in front of a computer.

Perhaps this is what people behind the perfect airbrushed avatars may look like?

- confused by context-switching and only satiated by extreme highs, needing sugar rush satisfaction to appease instant gratification.

This was created at: http://www.sp-studio.de/

If you're readign this, I'd love to see your version and why?

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